Saturday, April 27, 2024

Caterpillar problem and sudden movements!!!

We can never really see a mirror as what it reflects distracts us from its true texture. 

I had an idea- what if I could just climb on to the other side of the mirror. A multiverse of sorts. I would be more carefree as if things did not work out, I would climb into the next mirror. I had a fleeting sense this would defeat the purpose of my present life at some level - although I do not understand why. 

As I stared into the eyes, I felt I could may as well be the man behind the mirror. A force magnet making us all do things together with symmetric and geometric precision all the time- and the only way we can see each other is the mirror. So if both of us use our basic nature, previous experiences and current position (which is same for us so far) to carry out our free will, we will always keep on doing the same thing? This is the caterpillar problem- how to first introduce a butterfly effect? 

I tried some abrupt quick sudden movements.

An attempt catch my reflection off guard to glitch my reality, while brushing my teeth.