Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I Fear Nothing!

I want to raise my left hand up and shout "PENGUINS" in a room full of educated people, but I fear of being not-contextual.

I fear the next thing which I might do, may not meet social standards. I fear the next thing which I say may not be in line with the expected. I fear the collective will of people. Therefore I retreat to the little flame that burns in my heart and block all that would define what I could have been. My infinite potentials hide behind my fear. I don't fear my shortcommings, but the great power that lies hidden in me.

I fear the powers that could be awakened in me.

I fear my possibilities.

I fear myself.

I fear knowing my physical self, I might not get to be lazy. I fear knowing my emotion, I might be rendered incapable of feelings. I fear knowing my mind, I might be incaple of ignorance. I fear knowing my soul, I might loose all my belongings. I fear knowing the delusive maya, I might loose myself. I fear waking up one morning, and finding nothing.

I don't fear my shortcommings, I fear nothing.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

As long as the candle burns

Somewhere, it burns as a proof of our life.

The fire that provides stimulation to even the faintest efforts in this creation- constantly creating stuff out of absolute emptiness.

If the only thing truly complete is the sum-total of all there is, then this aspect of addition is the fire which adds one thing at a resulting in the stuff ranging from a slightest movements of air squeezing in and out through my nostrills to the intergalactic dance of heavenly bodies.

Its the flame that doesn't burn in time or space, but defines it. It burns in a secret location of our minds.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Choice of words dilemma

Not sure how to start this post.

Words loose meaning every second in this dynamic environment putting forward many challenges of grammar and correct usage of words.

As I aimlessly ventured to return to my work place, I encountered my office mate-

"did you come down for lunch? aaaghh..... did you go down for lunch? not sure which one is gramatically correct right now!"

We were in the elevator.