Friday, May 28, 2010

Without time, I would be one thing forever.

What if there was no time? I would have to be one thing forever.

Everything would be the same all the time. The very fabric of the universe would collapse within itself and our minds would have have nothing to refer to.

The intense pressure built by the defragmented moments held together would fail to explode as its time would have frozen dimensions of forms and thus only the objective of life would remain drifting alone without any impulse failing to find any laws of physics to define itself.

I feel this is actually happening in some dimensions we cannot possibly comprehend.

Sadly all I have is words, each of which points to something concrete.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Do lights have a source different from its origin?

How is it possible? If light infact did have a source different from its origin, it would also be called its origin. This seemingly unimportant question is not just silly, but also incorrect.

But a wrong question doesnt necessarily mean it does not have an answer.

Light having an origin differnt from its source might seem like a grammatical impossibility. It looks very tempting to logicallly think ourselves out of it.

Thats when the creativeness of a disoriented random thought generating mind with a power to resist the temptation of proper reasoning as defined by the collective will of this mankind will rub his/her hands as if he/she is upto something.

Some call it incorrect grammar, some call it abstract.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It felt like a dot

My volatile graph finally refueled itself.

There is the place where my X- axis meets my Y- axis. Where my two dimensional co-ordinates become (0,0).

A place where all insignificant external objects around are an affirmation to my subconscious collection of stimulations I have gather even before I was aware of myself.

Itz a land of fish eating Bengalis. A land which turned Mother Teresa into what it turned Mother Teresa into.

And it happened. I stopped a cab to go home. The cab driver actually switched on the meter. I was no longer a traveller looking for a destination. I was home.

It felt like a dot.