I was once asked this life altering question, only to not pay any attention. What is more interesting is the conversation that lead to that question.
Me: Could someone help me with my thoughts? I cant decide whats my fav colour!!!
Veena: I think it shoud be yellow...taking into consideration the yellow submarine and the yellow brick road :):) Hey guys..let's all go to the emerald city...and ask the Oz once more for brains...for Saurav
Me:Veena, there is no such thing as Oz. The only thing real on this planetory existence is the talkin scare crow, the moving tin man and the over friendly lion (and of course the monkey with wings who cannot fly). :)
Veena: Oh Oz is there if u believe...How do u think the scare crow strated talkin and the tin man started moving and the lion became friendly?
Me: I know it is very tempting to relate these events to the presense of Oz. Existence of oz depends on to whom it relates to. If we create our own dreams, it might be real for us, but for the world at large, its just your imagination. He might be living within your grey matter (depending on your shoe colour) but in the world of absolute, there is no Oz. (Did u just ignore the monkey? If it wasnt for the monkey ur stupid scare crow wud be dead already)
Veena: Dude its becos of the stupid winged monkley that the scarecrow almost died. You haven't exactly followed the yellow brick road, have you?
I guess we were too immatured to arrive at concrete implications to the actions of the winged monkey without relating it to something which is absolute by destiny.
I will be end this abruptly as I have a point to prove.
And may i point out that you still have not proved your point.