Friday, March 12, 2010

I wish I could title this without using words

Whats with words anyway? Can I not communicate anything without them? Isnt thought different from thought quality? Is that why everyone insists to hear it from the horses mouth, bringing in an additional dimension people don't understand? We should realise that spoken words are mere sounds not meaning anything more than random noises we hear in our daily lives, unless they are spoken without thoughts. Thoughts are lies we tell ourselves unless we realise the plurality of the content. The problem comes when the plurality confuses more than limiting things to one reality. Thats why reality remains only in our minds which most people anyway consider unreal. Thats the problem with creation and all itz fragmentation. We cannot think from the base. Every thought when expressed should have an inherent question- "Where does words originate?" or why is it that a particular sound thought by me refers to something definite in this comparatively relative world. I sometimes indirectly ask people- "How is it to find yourself living as a thinker different than me?" May be I ask the question wrong but the answer is still pending. A wrong question cannot conclusively mean it does not have an answer. Answers are like infinity. They raise more questions than they answer. Thats the problem with modern science in all itz glory. We need acknowledgement of the unreal. Thats when we stop walkin straight and look for equations in oceans. When each waves may not relate to an accurate equation but just might happen to be the result of it. Thats what people mistook at probability. Einstein literally and intellectually spit on such unmathematical theorems. Thats where his belief overtook his intellectual capacity. He simply acknowledged the source of where his thoughts came from. His surrender was his acknowledgement to the (as Adam Smith would put it) invisible hand. This means you should lock your doors even when you believe in God. In todays world buying stamps would be like inventing a time machine and going back time. We forget to greet a postmen disrespect of what letter he brings. Sun shines disrespect of evolution as the survival of the fittest also depends on the source from where this theory also comes. All argument can dissolve when we talk of space or time. "Space" and "time" are the two most misunderstood terms. If we understand any of the two words, our life would change within a fraction of what we call seconds. This could seem impossible as we give too much importance to time. We should consider time without the continuity of space. Thats when our thoughts would fail us and bring us back to our foundation of this existence. The very definition of time is by space. The very opposite is also true. Everything we say, may be true only when the very opposite is also a possibility. This means that the word inherent has no use in our language as someting inherent has no need to be pointed out. The very subject would fails itz cause. I think thats why people dont get the ultimate answers to "Who am I?". If you knew the question properly, your logical mind and emotional ability would have nothing else to react to. Perfection may not lead to the end we desire. We need to tread the path nevertheless. Its like following the light without impulsive desires. We dont enjoy the feeling after something good is over. I guess living in the moment is not over rated. All theories of life combined would ask me to stop typing words which cannot be concluded thus not giving us concrete results. How can something that is concrete make way for thought as its beyond time and space. What if there was no time. I would have to be one thing forever. Then I would get no time to also choose what I want to be. Then I could not be blamed for being what I shouldnt be. If we extended this concept, a philosopher could say there is no good or bad. That itself is a bad statement. The philosopher cannot possibly argue as then he would have to loose his consciousness and become one with all that is indefinite, therefore by the philosophy of time, imortal. Immortals cannot argue as they cannot communicate with the immortals. Thats why an average mind cannot conceive them. Itz almost like definition of a God. God is not really a definition but recognition of the indefinable. Everything cannot be defined by this mere existence. We cannot deny our thoughts. We are more than out phisical self. Its as true as this phisical universe with all itz exacting laws combines. A flower is always incorrectly conceived by a physicist. A poet can only believe that the miner standing next to a gold mine is lying. Itz like playing with a pen next to one's eye lid. There is a reason we close our eyes. The truth might not be the best outcome destined for a naked man with only colours to recognise that thoughts are just indications to all that is physical and secondary to what they percieve to be themselves. All these words really mean the same thing. I cant think of a specific word for it. Just ask yourself "Who is it that is reading this specific line." If we hold on to this thought, our life may change within splits of seconds as time looses any meaning. That also is true for space, all form of life or even this specific line. Please think. Cows are not really abducted by aliens. Itz what the impossibility of existence itself makes us belief. Thats what humour is all about. Laughing at anything that goes against what we are made to believe normal, as impracticle it may be. If writing this is a proof to my existence, creation is a proof to God. How can I believe in what is proven. Thats where my sense of humour comes in. Thats when the joker laughs at us and questions what we call humanity and itz assumuptions. He is not different, but simply more curious. His eyes have the temporary solution where eventuality seems like nothingness in vacuum without the dimention of time, space and the theory of continuity. Lets stop living without a voice. Lets not say things that has already been spoken. Make a new sound. It just might mean more than words. Just like words never limit a poet's imagination, we should say things without meaning. It seems like I have been writing forever. But there has to be a start point. All lights have a beginning which is different from its source. Lets not pretend we have it all figured out. A penguin would think we look weird. We should atleast give them the benefit of doubt, or atleast there ice caps. I am not sure what ozone layer is but it doesnt look good. Our life should be no different than penguins. Inaction would not be the result of laziness but due to understanding of the ultimate eventuality disrespect of our action which are almost negligible given the universe we conceive or pretend to conceive or doing both at the same time. I hope, what I was trying to say was a little help to confuse you so that you were atleast aware of the non- factual chaos.Awareness is the first step towards disregarding evolotionary plan. Itz like a kid knowing there is no Santa Clause.

Keep it real. Long live words.

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