Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Horse's latitude

Would anyone buy numbers?

We can call SBI a risk taker. They took two core marketing students from LIBA and gave them core finance job. How creative? What can a marketing guy do with all those numbers.

I partially believed in communism before I met Sherwin last week. If you take a view from the top, you will see mortal remains of what was once a fully flourished hair of young hearted man. Whatever SBI did to this man from middle east.

"May I please go to the toilet?"

It seems he asks his manager in office everytime he needs to go. But then why is he smiling? And what is horse's latitude?

Horse's latitude (also known as subtropical high) is the region between 30 to 35 degrees North and South of the equator. Legend tells us that around this region sailors for religious objectives threw horses into the sea. Some now think it was to help the ships pass through the storms caused by high pressure around that region.

He knows in times of trouble, the Government will collect taxes from us civilians and pay him his salary. A private company wouldn't care less. As we saw in 2008 meltdown, completely useless companies firing completely useless people.

Government job may make you fat, but atleast you would never feel jettisoned.

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