What do you do when you find that life is getting ahead of you?
As a situation unfolds, it triggers off multiple events almost instantly in all directions and you find yourself pre-occupied, almost too pre-occupied to take some mental time out to realise the happening. Itz like attending to a flow of continous circumstances without giving any of them concentrated thought.
You search for a pause button, just to take stock of things.
You ask yourself -"Is this really happening, like really really!!!" Thats when the pre-occupation gets the better of you.
It seems easier to let go. As I surrender to the circumstances with unquestionable faith in destiny, all my previous prayers ring in my head calling me to faith and trust.
In the midst of all this somewhere I know, that in distant time I will look back at 'now' and be grateful. Something not sure what- looks very promising and bright.
Not sure if I could do better, if I was in control.
Life in Neverwhere
6 years ago