With a little embarrassment I borrowed a book from the LIBA library. A yellow book named- “stock market for dummies”. Why? Because looking at the stock market from a dummy’s perspective just might not be that bad an idea. Here’s how. Every second person you meet who invests happens to be a market expert (of course it would reflect differently if you check their portfolio profits). I was looking for a different approach.
What am I trying to imply? We are all looking for patterns in technical and fundamental analysis using our logical reasoning. (I won’t even mention the number of trading that goes on based on market tips and rumors, dhoh!!!). They think they know it all. And why shouldn’t they? There is pattern everywhere. Or is there? There are other people who believe that stock market follows no pattern. Its fluctuations are random with no logic. So this brings us to the debate- are stock market movements random or it follows some logic. I looked for answers in one of the greatest conversations ever-
What am I trying to imply? We are all looking for patterns in technical and fundamental analysis using our logical reasoning. (I won’t even mention the number of trading that goes on based on market tips and rumors, dhoh!!!). They think they know it all. And why shouldn’t they? There is pattern everywhere. Or is there? There are other people who believe that stock market follows no pattern. Its fluctuations are random with no logic. So this brings us to the debate- are stock market movements random or it follows some logic. I looked for answers in one of the greatest conversations ever-
”Einstein: One tries to understand in the higher plane how the order is. The order is there, where the big elements combine and guide existence, but in the minute elements this order is not perceptible.
Tagore: Thus duality is in the depths of existence, the contradiction of free impulse and the directive will which works upon it and evolves an orderly scheme of things.
Einstein: Even the red flower I see before me on your table may not be the same to you and me.
Tagore: And yet there is always going on the process of reconciliation between them, the individual taste conforming to the universal standard.”
And it brought me to the next question- Why did the chicken cross the road? Was there an underlying reason or was it something as random as a chicken actually crossing the road? Is there a higher pattern in all these uncoordinated activities or these higher patterns are by itself something uncoordinated? I was simply left with more questions.
I know what you are thinking of right now- where does a monkey eating a banana come in? Is it something random or does it have a meaning? Lets ask ourselves- why are monkeys universally associated with bananas? Lets think clearly. Their diet includes fruits, berries, seeds, leaves, grass, herbs, shrubs, crops, insects, eggs, birds and rodents. They love to eat flowers. So does a monkey eat bananas all that much? Then why is everybody mindlessly making such association?
What I do not know must be true, or else I would be super rich.
Tagore: Thus duality is in the depths of existence, the contradiction of free impulse and the directive will which works upon it and evolves an orderly scheme of things.
Einstein: Even the red flower I see before me on your table may not be the same to you and me.
Tagore: And yet there is always going on the process of reconciliation between them, the individual taste conforming to the universal standard.”
And it brought me to the next question- Why did the chicken cross the road? Was there an underlying reason or was it something as random as a chicken actually crossing the road? Is there a higher pattern in all these uncoordinated activities or these higher patterns are by itself something uncoordinated? I was simply left with more questions.
I know what you are thinking of right now- where does a monkey eating a banana come in? Is it something random or does it have a meaning? Lets ask ourselves- why are monkeys universally associated with bananas? Lets think clearly. Their diet includes fruits, berries, seeds, leaves, grass, herbs, shrubs, crops, insects, eggs, birds and rodents. They love to eat flowers. So does a monkey eat bananas all that much? Then why is everybody mindlessly making such association?
What I do not know must be true, or else I would be super rich.